"Focus on your MISSION while
We focus on your THEMATICS PROBLEMS"

GATAC promotes the close collaboration between research and policy formulation in the field of trade, fundraising, and investment and brings together global expertise to bear on trade. Having a streamline of consultation services and strategies helps to ensure that the chamber is able to meet its goals in delivering services to members.

Global Africa Trade Advisory Chamber is established to promote and enhance international and bilateral trade, investment, and cultural interactions between Ghana and the rest of the world. Due to the diverse people in partnership with GATAC, members will be able to get access to dealing with people all over the world. Thus this will help in the improvement of businesses.

One of the most important ways to prepare for the future of any business endeavor is to learn that trade and or business activity through practical experience. GATAC is committed to providing the support needed for members in achieving the development of a prosperous goal. Gaining training is a roadmap on how to acquire one's objectives. GATAC is ready to provide that in Ghana and the rest of the world.

With affiliations to many trade associations, Government agencies, and relevant professional bodies, GATAC brings together a comprehensive contact database of service providers and practitioners in the global trade. The chamber offers advice at the highest level for effective decision making, coordination, monitoring, and evaluation and to assist the members who are into businesses in Ghana and the rest of the world.

Global Africa Trade Advisory Chamber is established to promote and enhance fundraising support to ensure the continuation of a long-term positive relationship between Ghana and the rest of the world. GATAC in partnership with international borders is a platform that provides the opportunity for the members of the chamber to interact with people all over the world, who are willing to fund industries interested in receiving support to expand their sector and provide tools and resources to assist in the production of goods and services.